
Developing shopper-inspired innovative solutions

Hughes Decorr is a Client-Centric, Brand Focused Marketing-at-Retail Solution Group. We Have an Unwavering and Unlimited Commitment to Discovery, Creativity, and Innovation

Hughes Decorr’s unique point of difference is anchored in our design-led approach combining


to deliver consistent innovation across all aspects of shopper information journey and their path to purchase.

Our goal is to support our client needs to adapt to the ever-evolving and changing retail environment and consumer behaviour.

We help brands deliver:


“Hughes Decorr’s Connected Experiences”

When Everything is Connected, How you Connect is Everything!

Connected Shopper Experience

Elevating our capabilities to deliver actionable business intelligence and relevant, disruptive activations.

Throughout the entire pre-store, in-store and post-store buying cycle leveraging all shopper channels while maintaining a consistent, integrated and fluid communication and messaging.

Please contact us and let us know how we can connect your Brand with your customers.